As project manager I work with

  • Budgeting and ongoing budget follow-up

  • Contracts with suppliers

  • Surveillance of deliveries and consistency with expenses


Some of the worst things a project manager knows is when


It takes a long time to get the resources needed for the project to succeed


The project can not continue until important decisions have been made by other decision makers


The organization’s spreadsheet templates are difficult to fill

the project manager

  • Provides efficient and easy communication about finance throughout the project organization, so resources quickly reach the right projects.
  • Ensures that the project manager can easily answer changes.
  • Provides user-friendly budgeting tools.
  • Provides overview and insight into contracts, and whether the invoiced amounts match the actual value created in the project.
Budgeting /  Approval flows  /  Contract management  /  Price Development

"Captyst har givet os effektiv økonomistyring og governance – det har imponeret vores revision. Samtidig er hverdagen blevet nemmere for både projektledere og ledelse."

Berit Steenstrup Damm

Økonomi- og Proceschef, Nyt Hospital og Ny Psykiatri Bispebjerg

"Efter at have været på et tre dages introduktionskursus til et stort ERP system, var det en sand fornøjelse at blive introduceret til Captyst. Det var nemt at bruge, relevant for hvad jeg laver, og det blev med det samme klart, hvorfor vi havde behov for det."

Projektleder, Region Hovedstadens Psykiatri

Captyst |  Copenhagen

Østergade 17, 2. sal
1100 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel: +45 50 49 68 78
Email: [email protected]

Captyst |  Aarhus

Skæringvej 88,
8520 Lystrup Denmark

Tel: +45 50 49 68 78
Email: [email protected]

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